Tuesday, July 13, 2010

American Culture vs Indian Culture - What i learnt since 2007....!!!

American Vs Indian......LOL;). 

These have been collected from different friends blogs and weird imaginations. It's absolutely coincidental if it matches the concept with someone ever written before. I apologize in advance...!!!

  • Silky shinny blonde hair making US girls sexy no matter what they wear on hot or winter weather VS Black shiny hair, deep black sincere eyes, smooth brown skin all year long in India making them ugly on sunny hot days or totally covered..ummm probably in all seasons...!!!
  • You have GPS to travel any places you don't know. Don't have to stop on highways and ask directions in USA VS No GPS at-all..doesn't work at-all except places like Delhi and Mumbai...rarely and bystanders are always happy to give directions even if they have no f***** idea where you want to go......lol;)
  • The POS machine doesn't open up unless you buy something in US. No f*** greetings like "Hey", "Good Morning", "Hey how you doing" or blah blah blah ever works to get coins or any change in USA....VS you can always get it even if you're not buying something in Indian stores in India....!!!
  • If price is Rs. 6 and you have a Rs. 5 and Rs. 50, they'll take the Rs5 in India but same doesn't work in USA VS Well the computer doesn't allow you to get out of supermarket unless your product has been scanned properly......lol;)
  • Men walk down the street holding hands but they are not GAY in India at-all VS They are definitely GAY in USA..!!!
  • Whatever handsome salary you have in India, all things in USA would be expensive enough to purchase VS whatever salary you have in USA, the majority of things in India would be inexpensive for you.
  • Giving is considered an honor in India VS Giving in USA might be a federal offense and you might be offended with abusing languages like "F*** you....who the f*** are you to give anything to me....what the hell do you think of yourself....Get the hell out of here"...lol
  • You got to have reservation to travel around in train, busses, flights and all in USA VS There is always room for one more person on a seat in a train, busses and may be flights like AIR INDIA(No offense please)... LMAO.
  • If the bus is full they hang out the door or sit on the roof in India VS Oh C'mon no way...don't try this in US.
  • No one has time in US to visit friends and neighbors. You got to have an appointment even to meet your parents in US VS There is always time to visit with friends, neighbors in India. Well you live with parents all your life so no f***** appointment for em......!!
  • Work is worship in US. If you got to do something now, you got to do it now VS it doesn't get done today, tomorrow is okay too or the tomorrow after that in India......! 
  • In Hindi the same word (kal) means both yesterday and tomorrow in India VS well US is english speaking country so no problem.
  • No Concepts of bumps on your birthday, in-fact you might end up having parties at nearest strip clubs thrown by your friends in US VS On your birthday you give presents to other people and you might end up NOT even meeting your girl friend on birthday night as you would surrounded by all friend for entire night....And off-sourse no Strips clubs and no bachelor parties....!!!
  • Food is always shared no matter how poor someone is in India VS you don;t have time to share food in USA rather you are busy in getting for yourself in US.
  • Everything ends up in just a second no matter you have been waiting since hours in India VS you got to say exact time otherwise you might end up loosing everything you have in US.
  • Girls apparels are like Sarees, n bindis, n bangles no matter how hot it might be. Temperature is always like 110 degree F but no shorts, no bikinis in India VS Girls wait for summer here to NOT wear anything. The shorts purchased when girls were kids are worn even when they grow up into hot, sexy girls in US.
  • Respect is given if you have "JEE" added as suffix in the names in India like gurujee, mohanjee and all ...VS you can't predict about respect with names in US. In-fact, you are dude, smart and funny if you have short names vs your original names like RON for Ronald, Ronny, Ranoine or SAM for Samuel,Shawn and all......
  • Rates for autos, taxis and rickshaw goes higher in evening and night with respect. No body denies it and says a word about it in India VS no worries in US. Go and let go by digital meters.
  • Toe rings, ankle bracelets, nose pins in India to look girl sexy and good looking VS Girls are always good looking, sexy and hot no matter what they wear in US.
  • Strictness/extreme importance is placed on education with no holidays at-all. Forget about camping and world tour in groups that too with girls. No way in India VS Vacation and living life to fullest is part of American life. You can even take vacation or break for a year or more in courses like medical and engineering in US..!!
  • Cows and animals in the middle of the road in India VS Forget it....you even cannot find humans on roads here and sometime even in homes in USA..!!!
  • If you are stopped for a minor traffic violation, 20 rupees (bribe) handed over to the policeman will end the matter VS don't try it in US please. You are gonna kill yourself.
  • Last but not the least "DATES", "PARTIES", "PUBS", "GIRLS" are part of american life VS hanging around with one girl in India would raise eye brows of your neighbors in India. And moreover she is over with any other dates in future if guys gets over with her. Well same is with guy too.

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